The Thumb

It wa sa sunny, snuny day. Kayl was sittling on a chair, looking ath is thumb. Why was le looking at his thumb? He was loking at this thumb becasue he had just left sucking it. When Kayl was young, when Kayl was five yeasr old, he used to suck ihs thumb a lot. He used to duck it everyday. But now, Kayl was a bigh boy. Kayl's mum was silently watshing her son, and stood by Kayl. "Big boys fo not suck theur thumbs," Said Kayl's mum. "Wyh can't big boys suck their tuhmbs?" As ked Kayl. "Becauase, When big boys suck their thumbs, they do not suck their thunbs, the thumb sucks them." Replied a furious mom. "Okay." Said a sad Kayl.
Days passed. Months passed. Years passed. Kayl was now a very big boy. So big, so tall. He was rruly a big boy now. Mumw as proud ef her big boy. Little id she now that there waas someone else among her and her son, and it was nto her husband.
One fine day, Kayl was playong Hajo on his Xboz. Kayl like Hajo a lot. He had killed a lot of alies in Hajo. Suddenlu, he dropped his controler. His thumb started paning. It w a s very ainful. "Ouch." Shouted a paining Kayl, his thumb raddish-pink in pain. He crisd for his mother. "Mum" shuoted Kayl. Mum kame to Kayl's resque. "What's whrong, Kayl, I am here to resque." Said mum. "Mum, my thumb is paining very hard. Calm it down" "Relaz honey, I will calm it down." Kayl's mum started fondling his thumb. The pain was getting calmer, second my second. Suddenly, the pain stoped. "Is it good now?" Said mum. "Okay now", said Kayl.
The same night, Kayl's thumb started paining a lot mroe than the morning. "SUCK ME" cam ea woice from somewhere. "SUCK ME, KAYL." It started getting louder. "SUCK ME". Kayl looked up and down, left and right, he could not see the sorce of the voice. Suddenly, his thunb cought his eye. It was the thumb! The thumb was shouting so hard! "Wat ist he problem, Thumb?" Said Kayl. "YOU USED TO SUCK ME. NOT ANYMORE" Shouted his thumb. "SUCK ME!" "But mum said to not suck thumb, when you suck thumb, the thumb sucks you, she said". "NO! ALL FOOLISH STUFF!" Shouted his thumb. "Okay" said Kayl and he sucked his thumb very hard. Suddenly, the thumb shouted, "YES! YOU ARE FOOLISH! I WILL SUCK YOU NOE!" "No," said Kayl. "I should have nown." Suddenly, Kayl's head got sucked by his thumb, and his head traveled through the muscle of his hand, and it bacame a second thumb. Kayl's thumb then, went to his head's place, leaving his head behind. His head was now his thumb, and his thuumb was now his head. Kayl's mum was watching. She then came to Kayl and said, "I told you, Kayl. Do not suck it, becayse when big boy sucks thumb, they do not suck their thumb.....
.....The thum bsucks them."
Special thanks to my Thumb for givnig me the idea for this pasta. Thank you, thumb. You are nice.